Tilted Green Blob

Why an antique Trevor Noah video is viral now: 'India must colonise UK

Tilted Green Blob

'Trevor Noah is a South African comedian, political commentator, actor, and tv host of The Daily Show.

Tilted Green Blob

Trevor Noah's antique recommendation on UK's political turmoil - Brexit has back at the net amid Liz Truss's resignation.

Tilted Green Blob

In his the every day display he shows that India or any of the previous British colonies must control the u . s . given the unheard of turmoil.

Tilted Green Blob

Giving recommendation to the UK, he says "Brexit has destroyed 3 high ministers…

Tilted Green Blob

it is cursed….at this point, matters in Britain are so terrible that one  must simply colonise them.”

Tilted Green Blob

Trevor Noah : India must come to England and say ‘you don’t recognize the way to govern yourselves, we ought to restoration this.