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Why did the Boston tea party occur? What was it about?

A raid known as the Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston Harbor in 1773 during which American colonists threw shiploads of tea into the water to denounce a British tax on tea. This incident was significant because it increased the already existing hostility between Britain and America. The Revolutionary War, which broke out in 1775 and resulted in America’s independence from Britain, was eventually sparked by this rising tension.

Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party

Where and when did the Boston Tea Party occur?

On the chilly evening of December 16, 1773, a sizable group of patriots burst out the South Meeting House dressed as Mohawk Indians, the flame of freedom glowing in their eyes. The patriots marched in the direction of the three ships and Griffin’s Wharf.

South Meeting House
South Meeting House

The Sons of Liberty boarded each of the tea ships swiftly, discreetly, and orderly. As soon as they were on board, the patriots started attacking the chests with axes and hatchets. Thousands of spectators stood still. From Boston Harbor, all that could be heard was wood being split by ax blades. The patriots emptied the tea into the sea after cracking open the crates.

Who was involved in the Boston tea party? 

All around the colonies, there were demonstrations against the tea Act. Colonists from South Carolina prevented tea shipments from docking in Charleston. 

  • Samuel Adams formed a group of people in Boston who would later become known as the Sons of Liberty. 
  • On the evening of December 16, 1773, three companies of fifty men each, disguising themselves as Mohawk Indians, maneuvered their way through a massive gathering of onlookers, boarded the three ships, busted open the tea chests, and hurled them into the port. 
  • As word of the energizing Boston “tea party” spread, other seaports emulated it and carried out similar acts of resistance of their own. 
  • Boston shoemaker George Hewes was one of the men who participated in the Boston Tea Party.

What was the effect of the Boston tea party?

  1. In Britain, anger over the Boston Tea Party had grown. King George III declared, “We must tame them or completely leave them to themselves and treat them as foreigners. Because it was difficult to free the colonies, Britain decided to rule them by enacting a number of strict laws. 
  2. A number of legislation were passed by Parliament in 1774 as retaliation against the Massachusetts colony and as a warning to future colonists. These laws were known as the Coercive Acts by the British. However, the colonists referred to them as Intolerable Acts. 
  3. One of the measures would prevent colonists from paying for the burned tea until the Boston port was closed.

The Boston tea party proverb and its significance:

Taxation cannot exist without representation. Tea chests were thrown into Boston Harbor by protesters as they boarded the ships. The demonstration was treated harshly by the British government, who saw it as a treasonous act. The incident turned into the American Revolution, which became a defining moment in American history.

Know everything about Boston tea party museum and menu

Boston tea party museum
Boston tea party museum

Actors dressed in period attire recreate one of the most famous historical events of revolutionary New England (the Boston Tea Party, of course), bringing history to life—quite literally—as you watch and participate. Floating off the Congress Street bridge in Fort Point Channel, not far from where the actual Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773, the museum’s main features are a wharf and two replicas of commerce ships from the 18th century.

The event incorporates features from Colonial Williamsburg, Disney World, and Hogwarts. In the fall and winter, tours begin every half hour, and the rest of the year, they begin every 15 minutes. Tours last a little over 60 minutes and enjoy a Boston tea party menu. You’ll begin by taking part in a Sons of Liberty meeting with Samuel Adams, in which you’ll be given a role from the Revolutionary era based on a real person.

Boston tea party for kids that will be participating in this reenactment:

More out-of-towners than locals make up the majority of the population, which consists primarily of families with children (children between the ages of 9 and 14 will probably enjoy it the most), older couples, and occasionally school groups from the Boston tea party for kids area during the week. 

Boston tea party summary

From the first town meeting, where you get to sit in a pew, until the gallery at the end of the trip, which has a bench, and then the theater with the short film, which has seats, you will spend the majority of the tour on your feet. So, anticipate a visit that will be moderately active.

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